IMPAK can manufacture flat band heating elements to fit any machine. Whether your element is only 6” long, or 300+”, we can create an element to suit your needs.
1. Send us the element you'd like copied; we can duplicate it exactly.
2. Send us your measurements and we will manufacture an element by size.
- Total Length: 21”
- Left Brass Tab Length: 2”
- Right Brass Tab Length: 2”
- Brass Tab Width: .5”
- Brass Tab Thickness: .016”
- Nichrome Length: 17”
- Nichrome Width: .25”
- Nichrome Thickness: .007”
- 1 or 2 holes in Brass Tabs?
When submitting a request for the manufacture of an element, please make sure measurements are exact up to 1/16 of an inch. Please direct all inquiries to |