Caring for Trans-Ocean Shipments

Are you concerned about product damage when shipping via container?

Desiccants for Intermodal Transport

IMPAK offers desiccant products that afford protection against the damaging effects of moisture during intermodal transport. Available in five sizes, these desiccant bags are completely environmentally safe and suitable for most shipment applications.

A common danger in cargo transport is "container rain", or "cargo sweat". This occurs when the temperature inside the container reaches the dew point and condensation begins to form. By aggressively removing moisture from ambient air, our desiccant products lower the dew point to prevent the formation of condensation, a system highly effective in preventing mildew, corrosion, and other damage to agricultural products, bulk foods, powders, wood products, glass, machinery, and metal components.

  • Inhibits the formation of mold, mildew, rust, and corrosion
  • Controls dew point, preventing "Container Rain"
  • Environmentally safe and can be disposed of as normal waste
  • Completely safe for contact with food and drugs
  • Ocean, truck, rail, and air transport
  • Storage facilities
  • Ideal for boats and RVs as well as other long term storage applications
  • Protection of agricultural commodities, furniture, auto parts, machinery, metal components, corrugated boxes, wood, textiles, leather goods, food products, coffee, pet food, canned goods, and more
Description / Part Number Order
8 unit Clay Desiccant packaged in Tyvek
Quantity: (100 pieces/case)
8 unit Clay Desiccant packaged in Tyvek
1 case: $135.25
2+ cases: $107.90/case

16 unit Clay Desiccant Bags vacuum packed in a foil ZipSeal bag
Quantity: (10 pieces/pack)
P/N: 10MFS2030U16
16 unit Clay Desiccant Bags vacuum packed in a foil ZipSeal bag
1 pack: $33.55
2+ packs: $26.75/pack

80 unit (5lb bag) Clay Desiccant vacuum packed in a foil ZipSeal bag
Quantity: (5 pieces/case)
P/N: LDT800-05
80 unit (5lb bag) Clay Desiccant vacuum packed in a foil ZipSeal bag
1 case: $50.00
5+ cases: $40.05/case
10+ cases: $36.30/case

High Absorption Desiccant Strip with adhesive backing
Quantity: (125 grams/bag; 6 bags/strip; 12 strips/case)

Bag size: 5.9" x 9", Packing material: Tyvek®
Cargo/container recommendation:
20' container - 8 strips
40' container - 16 strips
53' container - 18 strips

High Absorption Desiccant Strip with adhesive backing High Absorption Desiccant Strip with adhesive backing
1 case: $164.70/case
2+ cases: $149.10/case
5+ cases: $118.95/case


Interested in Learning More?

Custom Packaging

IMPAK produces custom printed pouches and packaging with an emphasis on materials with distinctive barrier properties to protect products from the adverse effects of moisture, oxygen, light and more. Learn about our unique custom capabilities.

How to Choose a High Barrier Bag

High barrier bags are used to preserve and protect products. When paired with an oxygen absorber or desiccant, products enjoy even greater shelf-life and stability. However, selecting the appropriate package is not always as straight forward as it seems.

Right Sealer for Your Setting

Not every Industrial Vacuum Sealer applies to every application. There are different models and types of Vacuum Sealers available, and each one of those sealers has different features that can affect the way a production line works.