Our Mylar zipper bags (ziploc bags) are food grade and FDA approved material (except static shielding bags). Other non-food industries and applications include chemicals, pharmaceuticals, compounds, medical, adhesives, automotive, machinery, electronics, telecommunications, defense, aerospace, exports and many more.
ZTE stands for Zipper Tamper Evident, meaning that the bag comes sealed above the zipper and on the sides,
leaving the end opposite the zipper open. This open “bottom” format offers the quickest fill but should be sealed
immediately after it is filled.
OZE stands for Open Zipper End, meaning that the bag is sealed on three sides and open at the zipper end (like a plastic sandwich bag). This format can be “tamper evident,” but only if it is heat sealed above the
zipper after being filled.
*Custom print, size, color and material available by order
- Custom Order Request